What can you do about dull, yellowish, off-color faces for anchors?Please do this with me!

What can you do about dull, yellowish, off-color faces for anchors?Please do this with me!

2024-01-25 16:32:55

Beauty Tips

false demonstration

On live broadcast
Anchor yellowish skin color
Are you still adjusting the whitening and filters of Live Companion?

However, this will only make your picture look uglier

color temperature of light

Adjust the color temperature of the surface light.

It's not good for the anchor to have a yellow face.

Choose a color temperature around 5600K

Anchor's skin is fair and glowing

camera parameters

In addition to adjusting the lighting, camera parameters are also critical

Enter white balance mode 


Select color temperature/filter

Adjust the value to 4600K        


The anchor turned from sallow to fair and rosy in an instant

Isn't it simple~

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